Friday, May 30, 2008

Back to Square one!

That's right folks. Annie is back to square one without a job for next year.

Today I was told that I am one of TEN teachers in my school to get put into 'excess.' Excess means that my school has no bugeted room for me. BUT I am still offically a 'teacher' in the NYC public school system. This means that I get the pleasure of looking for a new job.

This technically puts me exactly where I was last year, minus the NYC experience. But I am at a disadvantage because I have not HAD my own classroom. This is where the cluster position comes to bite me in the ass. O well. So back to the issue at hand. I now have to find myself a job! How exciting is that?

On one hand, I get to start fresh again. WOOHOO. On the other.. there are people in the building who will, for one reason or another, leave between now and August. Thats how it work every year. Hopefully as they leave they will fill their positions with people who already taught here. That would be amazing. But that's where the year of classroom experience vs the year of cluster comes into play. So we shall see.

The other thing that worries me... if I am put into excess for next year are they REALLY gunna hire me for summer school?

ON TOP of this I take my NY state licenecing test tomorrow. How amazing is that?

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