Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Looking toward the future.

I am looking toward the future these days. Of course, that is all I ever seem to do. Never really content in my current life. If this is true... not sure but it sure seems like it.

I am looking forward towards two things.
1: Next year. I am thinking I am going to continue in my current position. In looking at my job it seems that it would actually be easier to stay in my job. First, those students that I have this year will have me next year, know me and respect me more. Second, the principal said it was not an issue. Third, the principal also stated that we will sit down and have a discussion of what has and has not worked as well as how the job should be restructured for next year with what is and is not working.

2: The coming years after next year. It seems that I am dying to run away from hom.e NYC is amazing. I love living here and I am super excited for the summer to enjoy NYC in the hot swealtering heat. Then into next year. But after that...? I have been looking at teaching over seas. In 18 months I cannot see being in such a place that I cannot leave NYC and my job here... and over seas would be amazing. I am thinking... SPAIN!! Or maybe Greece!? I am thinking these look like freaking great experiences. Learning another language, being able to travel as well. Seeing Europe, which is something that no one in my family has done. I could see it. I could imagine it. We shall see....

Leave your thoughts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My baby moving to SPAIN? Good for you. You should imagine anything is possible as long are you are willing to attempt.

Maybe you should hook up with an American Teachers in foreign countries for the summer thing? Then you could do a different county every summer? But still have a home base for the school year.

The lady that used to be Thelma's neighbor went to Japan every summer for years and loved it.

Love mom