Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Addicted to Books..is this bad?

I have come the realization that I am addicted to books. Ok, so I might not read like there is no tomorrow and I may not be reading the classics but dang... I think I am addicted to books. Las week in three days at work (being the holiday season I am working a lot with little to do) I read an entire Harry Potter book, book 5 for those who are wondering, and today I read an entire book at work.
Today's adventure, for those of you who care, was "Naked in Death" by J. D. Robb, aka Nora Roberts. This book was awesome. I fell apon J. D. Robb this summer when I picked up a book randomly at a store and bought it (being the teacher that I am and aparently addicted to books). I happened to read 7 books this summer in the "in Death" series this summer. All are murder mystries that include cop drama and no so children friendly scenes, but none the less good books. "Naked in Death" is the frist book of the entire series. This made the book even more interesting to me becaues I am seeing the character development of characters I already know and love. For instance, Dallas, the cop, in this book starts out thinking that the billionare Roarke is the main suspect, and by the end, lets just say he's cleared of all suspisions and is madly in love with Dallas.
But the only issue with this book...I'M DONE!!!! Now I am forced to go by another J. D. Robb book at the local bookstore tonight to see how the fabolious Roarke pops the question to Dallas who obviously says yes. I love it because it is like a time portal back to the beginning of these characters.

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